The Sartorialist, Scott Schuman introduces the first installment to the “Lunch for 25″ series which features Hirofumi Kurino, Kanye West, and Terron Schaefer and more take pleasure in an initial lunch filled with conversations surrounding style and overall forming elegance of everyone involved. Source:...

Security consultant during the day, Doug Jackson designed a vinyl word clock which demonstrates the time in an easy to read format and typography using an LED display....

Mondo collaborated with artists Martin Ansin, Rich Kelly, Jason Edmiston, Phantom City Creative, Florian Bertmer, and Ken Taylor for a series of limited edition Planet of the Apes posters. The detailed prints display an exceptional take on the movie posters that initially promoted the classic...

DC Comics officially unveiled its new modern and flexible identity for 2012 and beyond. The branding (designed by Landor) effort was based on a single, black-and-white rendition of their new logo. Now it’s a rising conflict to get a new audience on board of the...

Artist KAWS revealed their new Spring/Summer 2012 Collection collaboration with Medicom. naturally the artist’s graphics find their way onto in order of every garment. Overall the line continues to present a well curated series of collection, including t-shirts, outerwear, shirts, denim and accessories. ...